Charlie, 1-506th Infantry
This site follows the work begun in 2000 by Mark Hendrickson to create a web site for members of Charlie Company who served in Viet Nam, 1967 to 1972. As a result of Mark's work, many veterans of the company were able to reach each other and connect by phone, email, and personally at reunions.
The content for this site comes from Charlie Company members and from military records at the National Archives. Many men have lent their photos, 35mm slides, and filmstrip negatives for copying - many of which are found in the "Photos" section of this site. New photos are always welcome. Please call (703) 969-0916 for mailing instructions. Photos will be quickly scanned and returned to the sender. Email questions or comments should be send to
While this site was developed for Charlie Company members, it is also intended to be an information source for family and friends of Charlie Company and the public at large. Understanding the Viet Nam war is useful in analyzing current wars as the fundamental components are similar or identical.